Saturday, October 25, 2008

Intercession Homework! Yeah!

Hey everybody. Thanks for your patience. Here is your intercession assignment:

1. Read pages 13-55 in "Freedom's Unfinished Revolution"
2. Answer all of the italicized questions within the reading. (We will discuss it prior to your turning it in on the first day back)
3. The primary source documents are on the black pages-Answer the "Examining the Documents" questions on pages 27, 31, 33, 45, 49, and 52
4. On the bottom of page 54 is an assignment called "Position Paper" read the assignment and write a paper that addresses the questions posed. Be sure to use evidence from the reading but feel free to research additional information.

This assignment should take you a total of 5 hours. If you choose to do it while watching TV or chatting with friends on-line, it might take more time and you will most likely not learn the information enough to pass the quiz on the reading pages when you return.

Enjoy your break!

Check back in a week for an extra-credit assignment for those students who want to get a head start on their second trimester grade!!!