Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Winter Break Extra-Credit Assignments

Hello there.

Your extra-credit assignment over break is to choose from the podcasts or articles below and fill out the Extra-Credit Form for each one (up to 6). In order to get the 5 points, you must have answers that are similar in quality to the model. Please email me if you have any questions.

Click here to download form and model

Points Possible: 30 (if you choose 6 of the options and mirror the model I provided in each)

Gilder Lehrman Podcasts
The link isn't working so you need to google "Gilder Lehrman" and click on "Teachers and Students" then scroll down to "Online Resources include:" and click on "Historian's Podcasts"

Abraham Lincoln's Team of Rivals
Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation
Abraham Lincoln
Harriet Tubman
Politics in the Civil War North
The Civil War in American Memory
John Brown
The Significance of Reconstruction after the War

History Now Articles/Lectures
Choose from the following 4 articles (there are video lectures for these articles as well)
Abraham Lincoln and Jacksonian Democracy
Allies for Emancipation?-Black Abolitionists and Abraham Lincoln
Natural Rights, Citizenship Rights, State Rights, and Black Rights: Another Look at Lincoln and Race
Lincoln's Religion

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