Be precise and thorough in your answers. There will be a 30-40 question quiz (quest?) on Truman-Clinton on Thursday-Friday of next week.
Chapter 27
1. What does the title of this section refer to? Why did Nixon and Kissinger use this strategy?
2. Why did Clark Clifford say Nixon was the only one who could get away with visiting China?
3. What was detente and how did the SALT I treaty represent detente?
4. Nixon's response to Chile should remind you of another story we have studied with Eisenhower-what is it? How are the two stories similar?
5. What was Nixon's position on South Africa and how did it relate to the American south?
6. What was Nixon's position on Iran? What warning does the book hint to?
Scandal in the White House
1. What event set off the whole scandal? Why does the book claim such paranoia was unnecessary by the Republicans?
2. In what other ways did Nixon exhibit paranoia? How far did Nixon go to cover-up his actions?
3. How did it unravel and what did that unravelling mean for Nixon's presidency?
4. How do the White House tapes play into the story?
The Nation After Watergate
1. What was the effect of the Watergate scandal?
2. What actions did Ford take to address the scandal? How was that received?
3. What were Ford's foreign policy actions?
Discovering the Limits of the US Economy (Sound like a headline from today's news!)
1. What were the three pillars of the postwar economy and what happened in the 70s to these pillars?
The End of the Long Boom
1. Define stagnation and inflation.
2. Why did the US face rising inflation in the 1970s?
3. What was the impact of these economic changes?
4. How did American post-war economic assistance help bring about the economic crisis of the 1970s?
5. What region of the country began to grow even faster during this time? What other places did jobs move to?
6. What section declined? (name some of those cities...have they recovered?)
7. What groups became the "scapegoat" to white America's fears and insecurities?
The Oil Embargo
1. What is OPEC and what is an embargo?
2. What other issues in the Middle East occurred during this time?
3. What role did Nixon and Kissinger play in this battle?
4. What impact did the embargo have on Americans?
The Environmental Movement
1. What caused the rise in membership in environmental groups in the 1970s?
2. List all of the environmental issues of the 1970s.
3. Besides environmental groups, how did Americans respond to the problems they faced?
Reshuffling Politics (extra-credit option)
1. Take one movie and research it further. How does it typify the 1970s?
Congressional Power Reasserted
1. What were the motivations behind the passage of the War Powers Act?
2. How had the government overstepped its authority during the 1960s and 1970s?
3. How are the two questions posed at the end of this chapter relevant to current discussions in the Obama White House about the torture memos?
"I Will Never Lie to You"
1. Who vied with Ford for the Republican nomination in 1976? What happened within the Republican party after Ford's loss?
2. How did Carter's rhetoric and back story help him get elected?
3. What challenges did Carter face while in office?
Rise of a Peacemaker
1. What actions did Carter take on human rights both within and outside of the US?
2. Who did Carter fire as head of the CIA?
3. What were the two diplomatic achievements of Carter's presidency?
The War on Waste
1. What was the US energy policy during Carter's presidency?
2. How did Carter solve the oil crisis that followed the Iranian revolution?
3. Look at the last line in this section, what examples can you think of in the past of that statement?
The Meaning of Women's Liberation
1. What was the larger goal of the women's movement?
2. Why did it fail to gather total unity?
3. What issues did many women agree upon?
4. How does the story at UC-Davis show the resistance to such ideas?
New Opportunities in Education, the Workplace, and Family Life
1. Explain how opportunities changed for women in each of the three areas from the title
Equality Under the Law
1. What was Title IX and how did it effect women?
2. What was the ERA?
3. What was Roe v Wade and on what grounds was it decided?
1. How were men threatened by the growing power of women during this time period?
2. Why were women opposed to the ERA and what gains did they make in this arena?
1. Summarize the main message of the conclusion. Try to state the full main idea in 3-4 sentences.
Chapter 28
Page 941
1. Look at the picture of Ronald Reagan. What are your thoughts about the way he looks?
Anti-communism Revived
1. According to the book, what foreign policy decisions led Americans to elect Reagan?
Iran and Afghanistan
1. What was the US relationship to the Shah of Iran? How did that conflict with the Iranian people?
2. What caused the Iranians to attack the embassy and take Americans hostage?
3. What did Carter sacrifice in order to focus on the hostages? What actions did he take to try to get them released?
4. What type of government was Iran the first to have?
5. What country did the Soviets invade? What actions did Carter take?
6. Who did the CIA begin to fund?
The Conservative Victory of 1980
1. What image did Reagan project to the American people? Why was that so appealing?
2. How did technology change the political landscape of the 1980s?
3. According to the book, what did Republicans stand for?
Renewing the Cold War
1. How did Reagan change American foreign policy? George W. Bush is often compared to Reagan in this way. Do you think that is a fair comparison?
2. What actions did Reagan take to back up his renewed threats?
3. How are the US actions in Lebanon and the US actions in Grenada related?
4. What actions did Reagan take in Nicaragua? How does the book portray those actions?
5. How did Reagan's foreign policy ideals impact his immigration policy?
Republican Rule at Home
1. The book definitely takes a strong position on this time period. How does the story of Lori show the bias represented in textbooks? It isn't about agreeing or disagreeing but being aware of the position so that you are a smart reader.
"Reaganomics" and the Assault on Welfare
1. According to the book, who benefitted the most from Reagan's tax cuts?
2. What did Reagan use the money he cut from social programs on?
3. According to the book, how was Reagan's attack on welfare racialized?
4. What was "supply side economics" and why does the book say it did not generate the wealth that it was supposed to?
5. Who did Democrats choose as the Vice-Presidential candidate in 1984?
An Embattled Environment
1. Summarize Reagan's environmental policy. How was it a reversal from the 1970s?
A Society Divided
1. Describe the various sides of the divided economy and what they experienced in America.
2. What was the S & L scandal?
3. Why did working class white Americans vote against their economic best interests and support Reagan? Is that true still today?
Cultural Conflict
1. What were the topics of the "culture wars" of the 1980s?
The Rise of the Religious Right
1. Why did conservative Christians turn to politics in the late 1970s?
2. Why was it ironic, in some ways, that the religious right supported Reagan in 1980?
3. What issues did the religious right take on?
4. How did the Reagan respond to the growing AIDS crisis? Crack crisis?
Dissenters Push Back
1. What groups pushed back in what ways did they push back?
The New Immigration
1. How does this section of the chapter view immigration? According to the section was the immigration act of 1965 a positive immigration policy?
2. What was the Reagan response to illegal immigration in the 1980s?
3. What changed about America's relationship to Asia?
The End of the Cold War
1. Given Reagan's position on Communism, why is it surprising the Cold War began to end during his presidency?
From Cold War to Detente
1. What led Soviet leader Gorbachev to deal with Reagan and why did Reagan also weaken his staunch anti-communist stance?
2. What were SDI and the INF treaty?
The Iran-Contra Scandal
1. What does the book mean by "the poor man's nuclear bomb"?
2. How did the Middle East become the new Soviet Union in the 1980s?
3. Explain the details of the Iran-Contra Scandal.
A Global Police
1. What strategies did George H.W. Bush use to malign his opponent?
2. What issue surrounded his appointment of Clarence Thomas to the Supreme Court?
3. What world changes occurred during Bush I's presidency?
4. What was the weirdest part of the story of toppling Panamanian leader Manuel Noriega?
5. Why did Reagan supply both Iran and Iraq weapons in the 1980s?
6. What were the details surrounding the American invasion of Iraq in 1991?
7. What were the negative results of the first Iraq war?
You are done...finally.
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