Thursday, January 29, 2009

Pages 584-601

Revolt in the Workplace

-What labor issues of the late 1800s?
-Why weren't workers always successful in uniting?

Trouble on the Farm
-What were the issues facing farmers in the late 1800s?
-What policies did the Southern Alliance press for? How did the Northern Alliance differ?
-What was the "New South Creed"?
-How did the Populists work to expand the party beyond its white farmer base?

Militancy in the Factories and Mines
-What were the issues facing industrial workers in the late 1800s?
-What was the relationship of striking workers to newly arrived immigrant labor?
-Who were the Molly Maguires? How did the government respond to their actions?
-Who did the Knights of Labor represent? Who was its leader in the late 1880s?
-What two books/authors influenced the policies of the Knights of Labor?
-What was the relationship between unions and race relations?

The Haymarket Bombing
-What happened at Haymarket Square? What impact did this event have on the labor movement?
-Who did the AFL represent? Who was its leader?

Crosscurrents of Reform
-Who is Jacob Riis and what impact did he have on this time period?
-What class of women were largely responsible for settlement house work?
-Who thought they should be responsible for Indian reform? What ideas did they have for "helping" the Native Americans?
-What was the Dawes Severalty Act? How did people take advantage of the bill?

Transatlantic Networks of Reform
-What is steerage?
-What was the Social Gospel Movement?
-According to the book, what was Addams motivation for opening Hull House?

Women Reformers: "Beginning to Burst Bonds"
-What was the WCTU? Who led the organization?
-What was the nature of the conflict between Willard and Ida B. Wells?

Pages 616-621

The Search for Alliances
-What institutions did the wealthy believe would instill "American values"?

Class Conflict
-Who supported the McKinley Tariff and why?
-What happened at the Homestead Strike?
-What problems did unions face in organizing?
-What party did the Populist Party emerge from?
-What did the Populist Party platform state?
-What event caused the Populists to gain strength?
-What caused the Pullman Strike? Who led the American Railway Union?
-How did President Cleveland respond to the Pullman Strike?
-What actions did J.P. Morgan take to solve the panic in 1895?
-How did US versus EC Knight impact the ability of government to regulate trusts?

Rise and Demise of the Populists
-Who is William Jennings Bryan and what was his "Cross of Gold" speech?
-How did the Populists respond to the Democratic choice?
-How did Hanna use Bryan's candidacy to help McKinley's election

Pages 655-671

Work, Science, and Leisure
-How did the rise of science influence the time period?

Reform and Science: An Uneasy Alliance
-What were the health issues of the late 1800s? How were they solved by science?
-What was the eugenics movement?

Scientific Management and Mass Production
-What was "scientific management"?
-How did Henry Ford exemplify the ideas?

New Amusements
-What were the new amusement of the time period?

Reformers and Radicals
-What two "impulses" did Progressivism take according to the author?
-What evidence is provided for the sentence: "Reform movements reshaped the relationship between citizens and their government at all levels"?

Muckraking, Moral Reform, and Vice Squads
-Who gave "muckrakers" their name and what did he mean by it?
-Who were the muckrakers and what changes did they make to society?
-What were the debates around working hours for women? What was Muller v. Oregon?
-What was the Mann Act? How did it involve boxer Jack Johnson?

Women's Suffrage
-Who represented the new generation of women's suffrage leaders?
-What suffrage movement inspired the American women's suffrage movement?
-How was the battle for suffrage used by racists to defend white supremacy?

Radical Politics and the Labor Movement
-What was the WTUL and how did it help empower women?
-What was the IWW? What were they known as? What type of workers did they attract?

Resistance to Racism
-What were the issues facing blacks at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century?
-Who were the leaders of the movement for Civil Rights? What were their positions?

The "Rough Rider" as President
-How did Theodore Roosevelt enter the presidency?
-What was his position on trusts, immigration, and race?

Protecting and Preserving the Natural World
-What actions did Roosevelt take to improve the environment? Why was he criticized?

William Howard Taft: The One Term Progressive
-Why was Roosevelt, in the end, opposed to Taft?
-What was the Payne-Aldrich Tariff?
-Who was Richard Ballinger and what actions did he take on conservation?
-What were the four parties and candidates represented in the election of 1912?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Il semble que vous soyez un expert dans ce domaine, vos remarques sont tres interessantes, merci.

- Daniel