Monday, February 2, 2009

Reading Questions and Historical Thinking Matters Assignment

Created Equal Reading Questions

Pages 627-636

American Imperialism
-What were the motivations behind American imperialism according to this section? (Be thorough, they list many different reasons)

Skip the Section Called "Cultural Encounters with the Exotic"

Initial Imperialist Ventures
-What spurred the growth of the American navy in the 1880s?
-Which Robber Barons might have benefited the most from America's shift to steel ships?
-What did Alfred Mahan argue in his book? What did America need Pacific Islands for?
-How was the Monroe Doctrine used during this period? What was the Monroe Doctrine?
-Create a mini-timeline of when missionaries arrived in Hawaii and when they began to ship crops to the US duty-free.
-Who made up the plantation workers in Hawaii and what problems did they face?
-How did the McKinley Tariff help lead to the overthrow of the Hawaiian government by the Marines?
-What was Cleveland's response?

The Spanish-American-Cuban-Filipino War of 1898
-Who led the Cuban revolt against Spain? Why did American investors not support the insurgents?
-What did the Spanish do to quell the rebellion?
-Create a mini-timeline from the de Lome letter through the declaration of war with Spain.
-What is yellow journalism and what role did it play in exacerbating the tensions with Spain over Cuba?
-What was the Teller Amendment and how did it help America maintain its moral authority?
-How did the US take over the Philippines? What Filipino rebel leader assisted the Americans?
-What role did the Rough Riders play in the war in Cuba? Who helped them in their charge up San Juan Hill?
-What did Sec. of State Hay call the war?
-How did most soldiers die in the war?
-How did the US violate its promise in the Teller Amendment?
-What were McKinley's motivations in purchasing the Philippines?
-How did Aguinaldo become the George Washington of his people?
-What were the "Open Door Notes" and what was the European response? What, in the end, helped America get a foothold in China?

Critics of Imperialism
-How was Teddy Roosevelt perceived by his supporters? By his enemies?
-Who were the critics of imperialism and what reasons did they give for their position?
-What were the reasons pro-imperialists gave for their position?
-Who was McKinley's running mate in the election of 1900?

-I would read the conclusion as a review. It's always a good idea.

Inquiry Assignment

Click here for inquiry assignment
Go to: Begin the inquiry
Find the documents: The documents are listed across the top (i.e. "Awake U.S." and "McKinley")
Find the questions: For each document, answer the questions (usually 3 or 4) for each document
Answer the questions: Bring your answers to the questions to class

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