Thursday, February 19, 2009

FDR'S First Fireside Chat-The Banking Crisis

Hello again.

Click here for FDR's first fireside chat and answer the following questions.

1. Who does FDR believe his audience to be?

2. How does FDR make his listeners feel like he understands them and he needs their help?

3. How do banks work according to the speech?

4. Why did FDR issue the bank holiday?

5. What did Congress do that allowed FDR to take bold action?

6. What actions did FDR to make the banks solvent again? (Be specific)

7. In the paragraph that starts with "Is it possible...," what is FDR trying to do?

8. How does FDR shift the message to a personal one about the American people? What is the tone of this section?

9. How would you have felt listening to the speech in 1933?

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